Useful Google Talk Bots That You Must Add as Friends

Google talk
Google talk

You can do lot of interesting stuff with Google Talk like get alert notifications, save bookmarks to delicious, manage web calendars, set reminders, write blogs, and so much more.

Such features can be easily integrated into Google Talk through ‘bots’ which, in simple English, are like virtual friends who are online 24×7 and will always respond with a smile to your questions or requests.

Here are some of the most useful ‘bots’ that transform Google Talk into a more useful program:

1. [email protected]

Add this IM Feeds bot as your Google Talk buddy and you’ll be able to read any blog or website that syndicates content via RSS feeds.

To subscribe to a website in GTalk, simply send a new IM message that says “sub” where is the address of the website / blog you want to read inside Google Talk.

2. [email protected]

This secret bot lets you post to FriendFeed from Google Talk. You may submit either hyperlinks or text messages.

3. [email protected]

This imified bot turns Google Talk into a real powerhouse.

You can post bookmarks to delicious, send messages to Twitter, submit blog entries to WordPress, Tumblr or Blogger, manage events in Google Calendar, shorten long URLs, run whoisand so on.

4. [email protected]

  • Like IM Feeds, iNezha bot helps you read feeds inside Google Talk but this is slightly more versatile. For instance, you can simply say “digg” and it will show a list of all feeds that match that search term so you don’t have to type (or copy-paste) feed addresses.

5. Translation

This is a free service from Google that helps you translate words from a foreign language into your native language. Just add the relevant bot (e.g. [email protected] for Hindi to English or [email protected] for English to Hindi) as your buddy, send him a message and it will get translated instantly.

6. Set Task Reminders

If you need to remember something important, Google Talk can send you reminders for that event.

Just add timer to your Twitter friend’s list and then add [email protected] to your buddy list in Gtalk. Now if you want to get a reminder after 50 minutes, send a direct message to twitter  like “d timer 50 pick kids from school” and a reminder will automatically pop up in your Google Talk after 50 minutes.

7. Transliteration

If you want to chat in your mother tongue (like Hindi or Tamil) but feel more comfortable using the English keyboard, Google Transliteration bot will come in handy.

For instance, add [email protected] to you friend’s list in GTalk and all messages you type in English will get transliterated in the language of your choice.  Available only for a few Indian languages.

Written by Amit Agarwal on August 29, 2008







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